Monday 14 March 2011

Week 3

This week's task was to find a photographer whose work had something that spoke to you and stood out that you really enjoyed. It could be anything from technique, aesthetic, subject matter, influence etc...

I was after an artist who specialized in black and white portraits that concentrated on exploring and exposing the human figure. However the thing that stood out most to me that I found very disappointing was that most of these professional photographers were not celebrating the human body through their photos, but rather just sexualizing it. I really struggled to find an artist that I thoroughly enjoy more than one of their artworks. I found most of them to be very distasteful and close to unprofessional if they weren't meant for the genre of soft pornography.

One artist that I found with a large body of work was Mick Payton. He had a mixture of commercial, artistic and sexually erotic work. Most of his work I found very unpleasant, however I did find a few pieces of his work that I really enjoyed. The way some of the bodies were photographed and positioned was very graceful, but also very captivating. I really liked the photos that did not show the model’s face and didn’t give them an identity. It remained than entirely about the subject matter which was the body and it’s structures. I also liked the way he has used lighting to show off certain facets of the body.

Mick Payton



Mick Payton

Back of Jenna

Mick Payton

Defined Lines

Mick Payton


Mick Payton


Mick Payton

Tense and Touch

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