Wednesday 11 May 2011

Digitally editing hand drawn pictures

This is a picture I drew of Mike Patton who is the lead singer of the band 'Faith No More'. The Picture was drawn with charcoal, coloured pastels and a handful of different shades of chalk. I loved the original image that I had created, however when I took a photo of the drawing and uploaded it to my laptop I decided to have a play around with it and see what I could add to it.
This is the original drawing......

In the next image I just drained the original colour, then added a rainbow coat over the top of the picture...

I really enjoy how this next picture takes the famous formation and style of Andy Warhol and his Pop art creation..........

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Ways of presenting Digital Art!

One method of presenting a piece of art is showing the gradual build of an image. I love seeing the technicalities involved in creating a certain image regardless of what materials are used to produce it. I have found a few videos of different types of art that has recorded the artistic process used so that you can see the growth of the piece of art. (You Tube viewed 11th May, 2011) (You Tube viewed 11th May, 2011) (You Tube viewed 11th May, 2011)

I also found on You Tube a comic that someone has created and turned into a mini video art buy adding sound, simple movement in the images and to the next slide and thought that it was pretty cool. (You Tube viewed 11th May, 2011)

Digital drawing and painting

I found our topic 'digital drawing and painting' to be a challenge and nowhere near as straight forward as I had thought it would be. Initially I thought that I would be able to construct quite realistic and natural looking still life images when I saw the many options in drawing paper, brushes, pens, pencils and charcoal etc.... But as I was not very familiar with the tools that were available I found it to be rather confusing and most images that I drew just became experimental as I would often not get the effect that I was after.

Here are two of the best still life images I was able to produced, one being an apple and the other a blue wine bottle.