Tuesday 26 April 2011

Video Art

My inspiration for my video art piece came from an artist called William Wegman. William is an artist of many talents which include photography, drawing and painting and video art. I found William's video work when I searched Google for short films and video art that involved dogs. I was very keen and determined to use my pets as the main subjects of my video art. I was very surprised to find that William is responsible for a regular segment on the phenomenal children hit show 'Sesame Street'.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DTR1vKi2rQ, viewed April 2nd 2011 from Google video search.

The first film of William's that I saw was 'The Spelling Quiz', where William analyses the dog's spelling attempts. It's such a warm piece of work that has a strong sense of humour all the way through it. William talks directly to the dog, picking it on particular mistakes and efforts and plays on any noise movement or possible gesture the dog might make. The dog however is very obedient but does respond exactly how dog would, with confusion.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlApzm6HhqE&feature=related viewed April 1st 2011 from Google video search

My main ideas and inspiration came from Wegman's film 'Two dogs and a ball'. I wanted to use both of my dogs in the video piece, who demonstrated very early on that they would only work as a pair. This suddenly became the theme of my film and when I added the ball to the infatuated duo, the love triangle suddenly behaved and worked to my liking.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxsypEOXpik&NR=1 viewed April 2nd 2011, from Google video search

I am in love with Wegman's photography work, especially from his 'Pigment Prints' album. They capture images of a large dog looking very shy, intimidated but mostly gentle. It reminds me so much of one of my dogs, who had a very scarring and horrible start to life and still (even though he has grown and adapted dramatically) shows these traits from time to time. It makes me very happy when I see him exploring and just his loving life and surroundings.

Williams work can be viewed from: http://www.wegmanworld.com/home.html
Below photography was viewed on April 18th, 2011